This blog has been all over the shop of late, I just realised I forgot to write a number of posts in November, including the month that was. I felt a little rundown on returning from Bali last Sunday, my ears still hurt from the freediving training and I haven’t been swimming or back to F45, so am feeling a little lazy. (Tomorrow the routine starts.)
Travelling and being away from the office for a month has added the fire in my belly to not return to a ‘normal’ job. It is like my eyes and ears have been awakened to the possibilities in the world. What was I doing spending my life on a bus for three hours of the day, only to sit down on my bottom in an office typing for another eight hours. Everyone was always sick in this office of mine, coughing and spluttering and stressed out to the moon. No wonder I have put on seven kilo in the last two years. Mum and Dad are onto me like moths to a light globe, worried that I may never work again. They keep telling me sensible parent things like I need to save for my superannuation and pay the mortgage off, and that I should be rethinking all my travel plans for 2016.
So in the ideal world, The Ginger Hunk and I are not going to have any children and just sit in the apartment and work, to pay off our mortgage and then die.
Sounds like a fun life.
I know they only want what is best for me but life has changed in recent times. No longer are we tied to a desk to make money.
Speaking of which, it was super cool to come home to my stories in Travel Play Live and Australian Family Magazine. Travel Play Live was our first big glossy print story with both our names together. Champagne was had, and excitement shared for the future. Another notch on the ladder for us. And that’s me on a yacht, “Miss Contributor.” I still get a kick that I’ve made it happen for myself, after getting super jealous of The Ginger Hunk and his photography adventures for years.

The best kind of mail! @travelplaylive.
I’m spending the next week finishing up articles for International Living and Get Lost Magazine, on Bali. I would like to finish these before Christmas so I can chill with the family. The Ginger Hunk’s surgery has been pushed back now until February, so we put everything back yet again. India is now in April, and we are returning to Bali in June to check out places to live for four months. I’ve applied for some contract mental health work that I can do from home! Fingers crossed.
This moving to Bali idea is a whole new blog post for another time, so stay tuned.
Other news is that Sasha has a promotion going with Love That Pet this month, the details are here. On Wednesday I am getting interviewed for a Podcast. I am actually shitting myself a little about it. Hence the new profile image on the front page because I needed a new head shot. It’s for a wonderful series by Michelle Marie McGrath called “unclassified women” that I have been listening to, and I can’t believe she thinks I am cool enough to be on it. I will be talking about being Childfree, and living a life outside of the mould.
Will be sure to share it when it is up, (as long as I don’t sound bogan.)
I am feeling ready for Christmas despite getting everything done in a few days.
The presents for the kids are wrapped, the lights are up outside and Sasha has taken up watch for Santa under the tree.
How are you going this pre-christmas Sunday?
Feeling organised?
Over it?
Happy Sunday!
Ashleigh XXX
Ps. If you’re wondering what that ice cream thing is, it is Phoodie’s Golden Gaytime Ice Cream cake. Amazing and super easy to make.