Daily Life, Health & Wellbeing, Social Justice

Four easy things to do on Giving Tuesday

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Winston S. Churchill

Today is Giving Tuesday.

If you didn’t know about it it is a wonderful global initiative to give something more than you usually do to help someone else.

It can be reaching out to a friend in need, asking a stranger how their day was or making a donation to a charity.

Here are four simple things you can do to can give something today:

  1. Smile at a stranger – or even better buy a delayed coffee
  2. Give that old friend you have lost touch with a phone call
  3. Buy The Big Issue  and stop for a chat
  4. Get Christmas gifting with World Vision Gifts. 

Then share what you have done in the comments below, or use the #givingtuesday on social media.

Happy giving!

Ashleigh XXX 

Image courtesy of World Vision Australia 


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