Six months ago today I sat down and started this blog! Here I am 42 posts later celebrating that I stuck with it.
Thank you for being on this journey with me.
I always felt like I had things inside of me that I needed to get out, and this was my main purpose for starting this blog.
I had mentioned to The Husband a few times and thought about starting one over the last few years.
I then proceeded swiftly to do nothing about it.
In January this year, I was not in a good place.
I went to a meditation course and the lady sitting behind me (a complete stranger I might add) told me a few things that shook me to the core and felt like a (good) slap in the face.
The first thing she told me was that I was not living my purpose.
This I knew but it was the first time anyone else had ever said it to me out loud.
The other thing she asked me was ‘do you write?’
‘Yes I do write’. I replied.
‘I write reports on mental health.’
She said this wasn’t to do and that I should be writing creatively.
Then the LIGHTBULB went off.
Yes I should be writing. Why am I not writing?
I literally went home, wrote a post about something that was floating around inside my head, submitted it to one site and it was published the next week here. (Before I even had this blog or twitter, or any idea what I was doing.)
Then it was clear.
Writing was ‘my thing’ when I was younger. I wrote poems, I wrote in diaries. (I filled up about fifteen of them between the ages of 12 and 25.) I wrote in travel journals and scrapbooks. I loved essays and nailed creative writing in school. I sent postcards and long winded emails.
And then about ten years ago I stopped writing. I am not sure why.
I have learnt so many things in the last six months. The first being that there is a wonderful community of bloggers out there, writing some really amazing stuff about everyday things and connecting with people far away from the highlight reel that is Facebook and Instagram. Bloggers are a bunch of people having a chat in this busy life, not dissimilar to ‘talking over the back fence’ in the olden days, as Baby Mac says.
The second is that you do not need to wait for permission to start living your dream. Once you start, things will happen. I heard this and I did not believe it until I started writing and so many good things have come into my life.
I have learnt to code and use wordpress. I have improved my writing. I have so many ideas on what to write next. I have made new friends. I have attended courses. I have had some articles published. I had my first joint project with my husband.
I have not made millions but I feel happier and more fulfilled than I have in many years.
So I wish a happy six month birthday to My Meow, the little space that is all mine in this busy busy life.
Have a great weekend everyone!