I can’t believe I am NOT AT WORK. Can you believe it?
I worry it might end soon but I still have a glorious week ahead of me.
You know when you are waiting for something for sooo long, and it feels like a month turns into a year to get your stuff done? That it was it was like finishing this project at work. The last five days felt as though it was a year long. My boss took a look at me, all worn out and told me to not come back for two weeks. I was tired.. done.. and about to lose my shit at anyone who would look sideways at me. Now I don’t have to front up to work till next Tuesday wohoo! And then I go back to work for a week and then I am on glorious holidays again.
I need to think about what to do next year because I can’t have another year like this. Too much stress, neglecting my health,getting porky and working around disorganised humans makes my anxiety levels too high.
I had great plans for my week and a bit up here. Two books to read, Christmas Cards, writing blog posts, pitching articles, swimming and yoga. Hence to say I have not done all of those things, but I have managed to make some plans for my Women with Purpose series. I am really excited about it. It is funny how you WANT to spend your time on something you feel passionate about and it doesn’t feel like work. I wish it was my full time job.
It took me a few days to wind down at first. The day I got here I cleaned everything in the whole house and washed all the windows like a person on methamphetamine. The husband was telling me to chill and I just couldn’t stop. I have since found the local yoga place, the new coffee shop and been for swims and walks. Much champagne has been consumed, and I have sat on the beach thinking about how I should lose some weight then returned swiftly to the fridge to eat some more oysters and a cheese platter.
The health kick is a job for next week… because that is what holidays are for… right?
Did I tell you we took Sasha on her first holiday?
She spent the first few days like this.
And ended up like this, the king of the house. I feel like a proud mum!
Do you take your pets on holidays?
Are you good at winding down?
Happy holidays!