It is on. After thinking about it all last week, Saturday night signalled that it was time for me to start my break from alcohol (again). We had a lovely get together in the park with everyone from our apartment block. I proceeded to drink champagne, like I do at most occasions. Then after about 4 drinks, I came upstairs to go to the toilet, and suddenly felt hideously drunk. I proceeded to throw up, fall asleep at 7pm and miss the whole party.
Perhaps I had a a bug of some sort. Perhaps it was sunstroke? Perhaps I had a lot on my mind. (I do at the moment).
Then I woke up, having to do my Can Too swim at Bondi and felt surprisingly fine, albeit a little bit shaky from the whole experience.
So this is it. I start today, my third Hello Sunday Morning break. I’ll be starting with three months and maybe more.
Yes I have ‘things’ to go to. Weddings, birthdays, social outings. It’s never a good time.
I’ll still be there.
As me.
Probably a lot happier, healthier and less anxious.
Bring it on.
Ashleigh XXX