This is The Husband. He works with naked women for a living. Not naked. But sometimes they wear minimal clothing. Life as a fashion photographer can be hard. But someone has to do it …right? And along with the exciting stuff like hot chicks and holidays comes the boring stuff, corporate stuff, waiting for jobs to come in, waiting to get paid, organising eight different people at once, and spending long periods alone in front of the computer. (With cat. Driving him crazy.)
So it is not all naked women all the time. Most of his days are spent like this.
(Sorry husband for crushing your image.)
Anyway because I have a G.S.O.H. The Husband sends me photos like the above during the work day. And I laugh and reply with an awesome selfie of me in my little fishbowl office.
My colleague asked me the other day are you jealous? No I replied. My response to this photo was … meh… nothing.
Behind all the glitz and glamour and people in the lights are just people doing their shit. Yes it is an exciting job. No day is the same. But they are there to get a product. I have been on a shoot and it is not all french photographers and pretty girls being seduced behind the camera. It’s a whole lot of work. A whole lot of head crinking to the left and the right, lights, make up and people running around (even doing a run for McDonald’s – yes models eat McDonald’s too). So if the husband WAS a cheater (which he is not ) this would not be the environment in which to pick up chicks.
What does make me angry? What does make me jealous?
The experiences he has without me. That I don’t get to share all the cool stuff he does. That I don’t get to go to Bali next week. That I don’t get to be surrounded by creative people and have time to think of cool ideas like he has. The other night, I discovered that he had binge watched Nurse Jackie without me. I was LIVID. LIVID. We had committed to watching this series together and he trapped me in his web of deceit by making me think he had only watched a few extra episodes but he had watched the WHOLE SERIES! My running friend also concurred that pre-watching television serious without said wife is the WORST BETRAYAL EVER. So yeah. It is a little thing but I am pissed we don’t get to look shocked while watching what happens in Nurse Jackie together.
It was different with my ex. We were both jealous. He thought I was cheating on him when I went to do the laundry at our mates house BECAUSE OUR WASHING MACHINE WAS BROKEN. I would check his phone because I never entirely was sure about him. He would accuse me of all sorts of things. And I never did anything, until eventually, one day our distrust and jealousy led us to eventually betray one another. We were both unfaithful after months of an unhappy relationship.
So while I go to sleep feeling like the most loved person in the land, (even in my onesie, covered in dencorub) a photo of a topless chick won’t bug me.
But if he watches one more episode of Nurse Jackie without me then that is it.
What makes you jealous?
Anything in particular?