I’m in Ubud. It’s not the wonderful start. I am hot with a sore butt. It’s not my butt exactly. But SOMETHING has bitten me on the lower part of my back. I’m petrified because I only noticed it after the plane ride, and I am wondering if it is going to turn into my white tail (maybe) cellulitis spider bite saga which happened in June? Off I went to the clinic this morning, and have been put on antibiotics pronto, and now I am just chilling, trying to not wear pants or get hot. (Which is kind of hard and awkward.)
But, here I am in UBUD! There couldn’t be a nicer place to sit around half-naked.

My home till next weekend. I am staying in a little village called Penesatan with a lady called Ruth from AirBnadB.
Penesatan is only accessed by cute little walkways through the rice fields. On ‘my’ walkway there are some cool little places to eat, and Intuitive Flow yoga studio which I am going to go to tonight. Ruth is my kind of person and I knew this right away. A big hearted retired Aussie who found her peace in Bali, she welcomed me like an old friend. Ruth lives in this gorgeous little villa on a hill with her three cats, Mama Puss, Nidhi and Simba (who snuggled me in bed last night.) We instantly bonded after I read her laminated instructions which included information on her cats. I may never leave.
This week I am planning to chill out, heal this bite, do some yoga, and finish my children’s book course.
Did I tell you I wrote a children’s story last week?
A second story (not MY original story that I love) and (unlike the story I love) my teacher thinks that ‘publishers will love it’ and ‘this should be pursued!’
Wow. So now I am thinking of letting Sashi Cat and the fish truck sit for a little while, and push on with ‘not for girls.”
Anyway I must be off to do my rain and bum dance.
Lots of love,
Ashleigh XXXX