42 Days of Summer, Travel

Welcome to 42 Days Of Summer

Welcome to 42 Days of Summer. This isn’t going to be my usual travel writing. I’m not going to be reviewing luxury villas or activities. I’m spending this six weeks I’ve given myself out of every day life checking out, and checking in. Being the laziest travel writer in the land, I didn’t organise anything for my trip to Bali this time. No articles are planned as yet but that may change in the next six weeks. No sponsored blog posts. No deals.

The only deal I’ve made was giving myself this time to just be and do whatever I like. The only structure I have is my freediving course which begins on Wednesday.  No doubt that will challenge me in many ways. As has been adjusting to being on my own. So I’m starting a new category for this type of adventure, where I’ll be reflecting on my 42 Days of Summer over the next six weeks. Sometime is alone. Sometime is with The Ginger Hunk.  I’ll be reflecting on how I am feeling, recovering from the past few years, freediving and exploring the time I have given myself for personal growth. There may be some travel writing, but only if I think it’s something really awesome and if it is something I want to share with you guys.

So, how about that?

Welcome to the adventure!

Much Love Ashleigh

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