Daily Life

Taking Annual Leave From Blogging

I am probably going to feel naked without you dear blog, but I am headed to Bali on Saturday and I have decided to take a little annual leave from My Meow. The last six months I have been writing, writing, writing. Writing at work. Writing the blog. Writing articles. At first I thought HOW AMAZING to make EVERY HOLIDAY I POSSIBLY CAN into a travel writing fiasco. Free accommodation. Free flights. But then you have to write. Not such a bad thing. Not the same as sitting in an office writing boring things, you say. Which is true. But it is not really the same as switching off with a book. My last two trips to Bali resulted in eight articles, which was awesome. I am still waiting for some of them to be published. But during this time I was interviewing humans, worried about delivering on promises, directing the Ginger Hunk to take photos, feeling like I wanted to squish it all in but also wanted to just be drunk sometimes. Okay?

So this time I am going to Bali to JUST CHILL OUT AND READ BOOKS.

I lie a little. I have a rather complex article I am writing for a magazine due on the 15th.


Not planned. But when we get the work, we take the work.

So I shall be writing that.

But I shall be taking an annual leave from you, My Meow.

But do not fear, I will be back on the 15th of June with tales of turning THIRTY FIVE, cats, freediving and travelling with my ALMOST 70 year old Dad.

And of course, should you like to see what is happening in Bali, I will be on Instagram  machine of course and the occasional Facebook.

Meow for now! 

Ashleigh XXX


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