How did we get to June tomorrow? Wasn’t it just Christmas?
The older I get I swear that my life just gets faster and faster. I am feeling a little apprehensive with much work and travel organised in the next four months, so this post is about taking stock again – the mid year edition. This is an idea blatantly stolen from Meet me at Mikes, Pip has a blank list if you want to head over and take stock yourself.
I nominate friends Stresslessjess, Hugzilla and McFlyUndone to take stock.
Here is my life on this last day of Autumn…
Making : travel articles and TripAdvisor reviews
Cooking : quinoa and pea salad for work lunches
Drinking : tea
Reading: Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert
Wanting: more time (and more holidays) and to lose 5 kilos
Looking: nice and tanned after my holiday (and wondering how long it will last)
Playing: with Sasha
Wasting: time on Pinterest (how did I just discover this?)
Sewing: Sewing? What? What is this word?
Wishing: The Ginger Hunk had a new hip and no stomach bug
Enjoying: not being anxious about turning 34 next week
Waiting: for my parents to arrive home from their jaunt in Spain
Liking: life in general
Wondering: about what travelling to India will be like next year
Loving: Sasha and The Ginger Hunk
Hoping: I can give up alcohol for 10 weeks and have an awesome health kick
Marvelling: at myself for learning to freedive two weeks ago
Needing: some new runners
Smelling: pretty good
Wearing: The Ginger Hunks tracksuit pants
Following: more travel bloggers on twitter
Noticing: how cold it is getting and the smell of snow
Knowing: myself better than I ever have
Thinking: positively
Feeling: happy
Bookmarking: more travel destinations
Opening: my hips at Yin Yoga this afternoon. They are SO tight from the gym.
Giggling: at cat videos on you tube (like this one!)
Happy Sunday – hope you have had a super last day of May!