
Contemplating The School Reunion

School Reunion

Oh my goodness. In a few weeks it will be my FIFTEEN YEAR REUNION.

The photo above is from the ten-year reunion which I cannot believe was five years ago!

I remember when my husband got invited to his fifteen year reunion and I thought fark he is old. But in a few weeks its going to be me. Yikes. I do not feel ready to be out of school for FIFTEEN YEARS! What the hell have I been doing?

I had a really good time at school. I LOVED school. I was sad to leave school. So I am one of these chipper/ happy to see anyone/ talk to anyone slightly annoying school type person who is very excited about the prospect of the school reunion.  I was blessed. I had great friends many of whom I see today, great teachers and I overall had a great time. Some people I know HATED school and had a hideous time. Some people are not so keen on the idea of the reunion – but surely enough time has passed that you would sit down and chat with anyone from school? Haven’t we all let that school shit go?

Anyway I digress slightly.

So by the time I was fifteen years out of school what did I think I would be doing when I was 18?

Well, I thought for one that I would feel more mature, or grown up or something??? I thought I would have  a house. (No chance.) I thought I would have figured out what my career was. (Still working it out.)  I thought I would have found the person I was going to marry by age 24 and I thought I would have kids by now. ( Still figuring that kids part out. ) I thought I would be ready to be ‘settled’. ( I still have itchy feet to explore the world and do the next challenge whatever that is with kids or no kids, and that ain’t a bad thing it’s just a part of me!).

I didn’t think that life would be so. damn. fast.

What I wouldn’t have known  about me when I was 18 and leaving school is the following…

I have traveled the world a few times over and have developed a fetish type love for South East Asia.

I am married to a lovely boy I met on the dance floor who smiled at when I was 20 yet I did not know that he was to be my ‘one’ until 8 years later.  (I wish I had known sooner but I had a lot of fun and heartache and am thankful for the learning I had figuring it out. )

I have wonderful nieces and nephews,  healthy parents, cool in-laws who live in France, two degrees and an apartment by the beach. (That I live in but is owned by the bank).  

In my profession, I have helped a lot of people work a lot of shit out and continue to put my two cents forward for those less fortunate.  

I am no longer nicknamed fat ash and have completed a marathon and a half iron-man. I am fit and healthy.  

I’ve finally figured out a few things, one is that people don’t give a shit what you are doing, so you should stop worrying about what other people think of you …

..And the other thing I have figured out is that there is no time to wait to do what truly makes you happy or what makes you feel like you. The time is NOW.

So when my friend was saying to me today that she was feeling anxious and inadequate about the reunion because she wasn’t skinny enough, I can guarantee that the thin single girl would be looking at her beautiful husband and family on her facebook page with envy and wishing that is what she had. We all think the grass is greener.

We always want what we don’t have and sometimes don’t fully appreciate what we have.

So, even though I don’t feel old enough, or mature enough to be called Mrs Mills or a ‘lady’ and going to my FIFTEEN YEAR REUNION in a few weeks, bring on the night I say… and lets all be appreciative not only of what we DO have today but the journey we took to get there together.

Cheers to that.

Did you go to your high school reunion? What was it like? 
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