After running on Saturday we were talking about TV shows (and how they have become so awesome). BUT also how confusing it is to a lay person about what to watch and where. Back in the olden days, we used to get the old TV guide and then circle our shows.
Not anymore.
Here is a list of what I am loving right now and where to watch it. I could go on (and on).
1. House of Cards (Netflix US + AUS)
If you have not met Frank and Claire Underwood then your life incomplete. And who doesn’t LOVE Kevin Spacey? The man is a genius. This american political drama shows Frank’s ruthless rise to power in the White House and their (even more twisted) relationship. This awesome series is currently up to it’s third season. Take note of Claire Underwood’s (Robin Wright) amazing classic style. I love her clothes.
2. Breaking Bad (Netflix US)
An oldie by now, but if you have not watched it then you should, just to see what all the fuss is about. If you break a leg this is a great one to binge on as it has five seasons. Produced and written by Vince Gilligan this series documents the descent of Walter White (Brian Cranston) and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul – my other husband) into the dark world of meth cooking. It has twists and turns, relationships, family, darkness and love. You will stay hooked to the very end (and cry when it is over.)
3. Orange is The New Black (Netflix US +AUS)
Who doesn’t love a bunch of hot chicks in prison greens? Now up to series three, Orange is the New Black tells the tale of Piper Kerman, who ends up in Litchfield prison as the result of an old crime she thought she got away with. We watch the demise of her marriage and the drama of prison life unfold as she settles in to life on the inside. I absolutely love this series, not only for the story but for the awesome female actresses populating the screen with their talent. Special mention to Taryn Manning (Pennsatuckey), Uzo Abdula (Crazy Eyes) and Kate Mulgrew (Red).
4. The Fall (BBC First UK + Netflix US +AUS)
Gillian Anderson from the X Files (still looking better than ever) and Jamie Doran (AKA Christian Grey – mmmmm) star in this dark detective series based in cold, dark Northern Ireland. As Paul Spector (played by Jamie Doran) pushes the boundaries further with his series of violent murders, his family and personal life begins to unravel. (The man is a social worker, might I add.) We watch as Stella Gibson (played by Anderson) struggles with her own issues as she is desperate to solve the crime. Now in it’s second season.
5. True Detective (HBO)
Kudos to HBO for bringing the big names onto the small screen for this series. This is like a movie broken up into five episodes. The first season has my other husband (besides The Ginger Hunk and Aaron Paul) Matthew Mcconaughey starring with Woodey Harrelson. The series starts in Louisisiana, where the pair of detectives solve the mystery of a 17 year serial killer in the area. Come season two, (which I have just started this weekend) and we have Vince Vaughn, Rachel Mcadams and Colin Farrell (BOOM) line up to solve a murder/business deal going wrong in California. (Stay tuned.)
6. Nurse Jackie (Netflix US)
Rule of thumb, if Nurse Jackie (played by Edie Falco) can make a bad situation worse, she will. Over the seven seasons of this series, (rumour has it there is an 8th), we watch Jackie, a nurse battling with pain killer addiction go round the loop hole of recovery and demise. Jackie is supported by some fantastic characters (Dr Cooper, Dr’O’Hara and the wonderful Zoey Barkow – played by Merrit Cooper to name a few) who dish up the dirt in bite sized 30 minute chunks. It has it all, compassion, humor, family, love and despair. (Zoey reminds me a little of me when I was bright eyed, bushy tailed and fresh out of university, sigh.)
Notable other mentions that I waste my time on include; Law and Order (SVU), Game of Thrones, Homeland and Girls.
Any I have missed?
What are you loving at the moment?
Ashleigh XXX
Images sourced from Wikipedia.